JT's new website and blog

Well, well, well... the cat is out of the bag! As you can probably tell JT's site has a brand new look! Mainly because I wanted to help him as much as I could and this was one of my ways of giving back to him. Now you're probably asking yourself... "Who the hell is this Sully guy and why is he on my favorite independent country artist's page?" Have no fear people I won't be here all the time I promise. Although... If JT asks, I'll help out with some blogs every now and then. Of course I was an ass and made sure he didn't take a look at what I was doing the entire time I was redesigning his site for him. Not that he would ever peak. After all, if he did peak he would have seen this blog already. :-P
So who am I? Well I am the Awesome One! Yes I'm tooting my own horn. But on a more serious note, I am the one that changed the layout and overall look of JTHollisMusic.com. I'm also a very great friend of JT (even though we've never actually met in person). You see a few years ago... we'll call it the year 2010, JT and I used to broadcast on the same internet radio station called HOOAH!!!! Radio (the station is now gone). During my time there my talk show, The Sully Show (shameless plug) was broadcast live every day and contrary to what some people say was one of the popular shows. Why you ask... well after two of my co-hosts left the show (one due to being over seas for the army and the other wasn't having fun anymore) JT grabbed his mic and joined me live every day for my show and his country music show. Needless to say here we are years later and we're still co-hosts and broadcast the show on a different network called More Like Radio.
Now you're probably saying to yourself "Meh! Who cares?" Well I'm here to tell you that I do.
Which is why I am helping out a great and talented singer, songer writer, and friend. Seriously, How can you go wrong with a face like this the one posted right over here. ------>
Isn't he just the cutest? Those baby blue eyes... and... er... this just got awkward...
As I was saying, JT has so much heart and so much passion for music that he wants to make his dream become more than a dream. He works extremely hard at everything he does. As a matter of fact there were times when he wasn't feeling well that I had to force him to stay off the show and rest. Fortunately he's a very stubborn person and always does what he needs to in order to entertain the listeners of the show and his music. He has friends all over the world that has his back and I am so happy that I am one of those people. He truely is a great friend.
Now that the sappy crap is done (trust me I'm not always this serious), this blog is called The Wanted Poster mostly because that was the one thing I could think of that reminded me of the old west. So basically, JT can keep you all up to date on anything and everything. He can even make some wonderful videos and post them here on his youtube channel and you will be able to subscribe to everything. I highly recommend it!
You'll also be able to see this on his Facebook Fan Page and quite possibly his twitter. That is of course if he asks me how to ties things together for him. I'm his tech guy too. Did I mention that... alright enough about me damn it! Check out the other sections of the site. You know like the music which is the main attraction of this website. Check out the mugshots once the page is done, send him an email, book him to perform at your place, throw money at him (he'll swim in it like Scrooge McDuck! No seriously he will!). Alright you don't have to throw money at him but it would be cool if you bought his albums. Oh and don't forget you can interact with each blog post by leaving comments using Facebook.
Now I must bid you all farewell for now... don't forget to browse the site, email JT, purchase his music, watch his videos, tell your friends, and of course listen to him weekly on The Sully Show Sunday's from Noon to 2pm ET on More Like Radio. Alright enough of the stupid Shameless plugs. Seriously... Support JT as much as you can and spread the word. He deserves it more than anyone I know!
- Sully