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What is
Veteran Garden Deco?
Tom Hollis, the co-owner, and operator of Veteran Garden Deco, is a disabled military veteran, who after major back surgery, was looking for something to do with his time, other than sit on his butt.
At the encouragement of his wife, and co-owner Kay, he started working on the re-purposed chair planters for his mom. After enjoying the work he did on those, his mind ran with it, and came up with all kind of things he could do.
We at Veteran Garden Deco, re-purpose old fencing, chairs, end tables, and more, into usable indoor/outdoor planters and decorations. We also make enlargements of Military Unit Patches, as well as EMT, Fire, Police and other special request items. All work is done by hand, with the help of special tools.

using other's junk to create art and beauty.
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